Free and Premium Ways to Get Stellar WordPress Support

By Susan Daniero
WordPress WordPress Maintenance WordPress Support
Run into an issue with WordPress? Queue the hair pulling and steam shooting from your ears. Fortunately, there are free and premium ways to get WordPress support without frustration. If you have come across an error or otherwise need help with the self-hosted version of WordPress, you're not alone. WordPress has a learning curve so it can be tricky at times. It can also be difficult to know where to get help and actually get a quality answer. Not to worry! Today, I'll show you free and premium websites where you can get quality WordPress support and I'll also share how you can ask the right questions to get the best possible answers.

Search It Up Before You Go-Go

Before you can pull up your sleeves and start looking for a WordPress support website, it's important to know how to fashion your question to get an optimal answer. Backtracking a bit further, it's also critical you try researching a solution first before you ask your question. Chances are someone, somewhere has already asked the same question and has gotten a stellar response with an excellent solution. It's far quicker and simpler to find that solution rather than having to craft a question and wait for a reply. It's a good idea to give it a shot so here are ways you can get the most out of a Google search: You can also try searching through the WordPress Codex. For details, check out the WordPress Codex page, Finding WordPress Help.

Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

Once you have searched for an answer and you can't find one, you can go ahead and reach out to a WordPress support website. There are also ways you can ensure you get the best possible support and answer and that's by asking a properly formed question. Here are some suggestions to help you get the most out of any WordPress support website or forum.

Try Troubleshooting

Before you ask your question, try some basic troubleshooting and if you aren't able to solve the problem, include the steps you took in your question. Also, include the following details if you are able: For details on troubleshooting, check out The Art of Troubleshooting WordPress.

Be as Specific as Possible

List errors or provide screenshots, if possible. You can also upload screenshots to an image hosting website and include the link when posting your question if you're not able to upload images. It's also important to specify whether you're using a single or Multisite installation of WordPress. What you should leave out is sensitive information including passwords or your login credentials and other personally identifying information.

The WordPress Support Guide to Etiquette

There are also other points to consider when asking questions in WordPress support websites. It's crucial that you follow their rules and guidelines for posting questions. That way, you can get a quality answer without being asked to leave. Many WordPress support websites have the following guidelines and rules:

With a Little Help From My Friends

Now that you know how to form a great question to get a quality answer, below are free and premium websites where you can ask for help and get WordPress support.

Free WordPress Support Websites

Premium WordPress Support Websites

Wrapping Up

It's frustrating (to say the least!) when you're facing problems with WordPress and you don't know where to go to get quality answers and support. These suggestions for WordPress support websites should help with that. You also now know to productively ask for help to get the most out of asking your WordPress questions. Have you encountered a frustrating WordPress issue? What is it? Is there a favorite WordPress support website of yours I missed on the list? Let me know in the comments below.